Our Approach

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Regenerative Agroforestry

RF promotes a climate-optimized approach to Regenerative Agriculture that also emphasizes social justice.  We train our partners on how to improve soil health as the foundation of their farm and teach them how to restore degraded lands while improving profitability and gender equity.   We co-design each program with local leaders so we build on the wealth of local wisdom, traditions, and honor and acknowledge indigenous knowledge and practices.  We encourage use of cooperative governance structures and co-benefit programs that have inclusive leadership that includes representation of local women farmers.

Donate to restore endangered essential oil trees in Amazon Rainforests

Regenerative Hub Model

Core Hub Components: A village-scale mini-factory to add value to farmers’ crops and produce other items rural farmers need. Incentivizes farmers to participate in the Hub model. *A co-operative organizational structure that farmers must join to receive benefits provided by the Hub. Requires farmers to support ecological and gender goals. *A diversified agroforestry design optimized for generating a mix of cash and subsistence crops. Provides both food and income security. *Process that prioritizes gender considerations in community decision making. Delivers improved benefits/outcomes for women and girls.

Hub Incubator

We Provide Hub Incubation services to our partners and on a fee-for-service basis for corporate clients which include: *A roadmap outlining the process for building and operating a Regeneration Hub, including a micro-factory. *A capacity-building program to build leadership skills. *Training tools for Gender/Climate optimized Regenerative Agriculture. *Access to our facilitated Network of Hub Leaders, and curated connections to interested funders and product off-takers. *Guidance on conducting a Hub pre-feasibility assessment, planning and design, and the build-out of the Hub.

Gender & Climate Priority

RF’s Process to Promote Gender & Climate Optimized Agroforestry Systems Step 1. Identify Critical Nutrient Deficiencies for Women & Children in the Region. Step 2. Select a diversity of multi-strata agroforestry leafy green tree crop species in participatory design meetings with women farmers, train women to plant them in their homegardens, to ensure that families can meet the full dietary needs of lactating women, year- round, especially in dry season, then layer in commercial crops. Step 3. Partner with health clinics and community outreach workers to teach women how to ensure their health by growing, harvesting and properly cooking the crops to retain nutrients.Monitor for improvement in malnutrition, and publicly celebrate reductions in nutrition related health conditions, stunting, etc.

Tech & Innovation

Regenerative Farms Builds Capacity for Scaling Hub Adoption through Innovation, Tools, and Access to Critical Resources: Hub adoption roadmap – Case studies and Hub factory designs (eg. Blueprints, co-op agreements, budgets, profitable agroforestry system designs and farmer training curriculum, key innovations/tools. – Access to technical support/facilitation and resources to help partners adopt the core components to local conditions and build a hub.