

We Help the Women Who Feed the World

“Imagine a world where the hands that till the soil and nurture life are often the same hands that go to bed hungry at night. This is the reality for millions of women who toil tirelessly to feed their families and communities, yet face insurmountable challenges like gender inequity, limited resources, and the relentless grip of hunger and malnutrition.

345 million people faced starvation in 2023, and that number continues to grow creating a global emergency of unprecedented magnitude. The numberof people facing acute famine doubled since the start of the pandemic. 

-David Beasley, executive director of the UN World Food Programme-

At Regenerative Farms we know all too well that famine and land degradation are intimately linked. But we also know the solutions are too. That’s why our mission is to support the women who feed the world. Amidst this growing onslaught of impacts making it harder and harder for women to feed their families, there shines a beacon of hope: Regenerative Farms. We bring women a powerful solution that provides them with all the tools they need to survive. Our story is one of building resilience, of offering much-needed hope and support to rural women on the front lines of climate change, so they can rise up from the depths of adversity and become the true heroines of their own communities. Help support climate justice today and grow more resilient farming families around the world.

A $1 Gift can plant a life-saving tree that will grow hundreds of pounds of nutritious food every year for decades. Help us support a woman to feed her entire family while restoring the Earth.  We have thousands of women awaiting your contribution.  Please consider a monthly gift today.  Ask your employer if they have a matching gifts program and help us double your impact.

Don’t just take our word for it. Learn more from these notable sources:

-About Closing the Gender Gap by GASFP who wrote in 2024:

“Women—who produce more than half of the world’s food—are the beating heart of agricultural productivity. Yet most women farmers toil in relative obscurity, shut out from land ownership, lacking market price information and agricultural inputs. They tend to have smaller plots of land and have to travel long distances to market. As a result, many female farmers are less productive and miss out on valuable earnings, money that could feed their families and educate their children” and

-About Global Development’s Glaring Blind Spot: The Power of Smallholder Women Farmers by FoodTank who wrote in 2023: “Smallholder farmers produce up to 80 percent of the food supply in Asian and sub-Saharan African countries, and women are crucial producers on those farms. They steward their animals and land with minimal resources, striving for sustainability, nutritious food, and financial security. It is an uphill battle, made worse by the combined impacts of climate change, conflict and a cost-of-living crisis that has plunged 828 million people across the world into chronic hunger.

This hunger crisis and rising rates of global poverty cannot be solved without the economic empowerment of women smallholder farmers—yet they are seldom the primary focus of development initiatives that aim to end poverty or improve food security.”

-About The Gender Gap in Agriculture from UNWomen here

Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel to learn more about the gender gap in agriculture and how our capacity-building programs help the women who feed the world.

Help us spread the word among friends, school groups, teams, and churches. Together, we can create a future where women farmers can survive and flourish. Help heal the Earth and Feed the World.

Ways to give to Regenerative Farms to Support our work and the Hubs run by our Partners:

DONATE by credit card via Paypal

Call 413.475.0864.

Mail checks made out to Regenerative Farms to: 1230 West Rd. Ashfield, MA 01330.

Other ways to give:

Support our work through your donor-advised fidelity fund with this link or Donate through Guidstar.org and see our profile

Trust and Transparency are Important to Everyone. Our non-profit Employer ID number is 86.2475402. Verify our MA Attorney General’s charity registration details here. Our latest audited financials and IRS 990 forms are available on our website and upon request.

Thank you for your unwavering support.


Mary E. Johnson, Founder/CEO

Donate Today and Help Support the Women Who Feed the World!

Secure Click here to Donate via PayPal

Or click here to donate to RF through Venmo

Womenful Voice farmer association partners planting 4000 tree seedlings along the river that borders the Dominican Republic as they kick off their tree planting movement in NW Haiti in May (left) and Camino Verde team member tests a recent batch of precious sustainably harvested rosewood essential oil grown by community members who are a part of their tree planting program in two locations in the Peruvian Amazon (right).

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