Dear Regenerative Farms Supporter,
This Earth Day, join us in honoring our planet and its tireless caretakers.
A donation of just $1 today could help us empower a hungry woman to plant a life-saving tree. That tree will grow up to provide her family hundreds of pounds of nutritious food every year for decades. Your $1 gift will save children’s lives. Imagine being one of the 300 million small-scale women farmers facing famine this year with nowhere to turn for help. The critical work of Regenerative Farms helps women facing famine transform their degraded lands, healing the Earth and feeding families for the long term.
Click here to give the gift of life this Earth Day.
Together, this Earth Day, let’s plant trees and empower women across Haiti, the DRC, Kenya, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Peru. Help us fight climate change, protect biodiversity, and end chronic malnutrition.
Celebrate Earth Day by making a real difference in the lives of small-scale farmers worldwide. Consider making your gift a monthly contribution.
Thank you for your unwavering support.
Mary E. Johnson, Founder/CEO
Donate Today and Be Part of the Change!
Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel to learn more about the nutritious tree crops grown by women farmers whose communities face famine. We select trees that will nourish mothers and their children. Learn more about how regenerative farming can save lives. Join our members and support growing our initiatives.
Help us spread the word among friends, school groups, teams, and churches. Together, we can create a future where women farmers can survive and flourish. Help heal the Earth.
Ways to give to Regenerative Farms to Support our Partners:
DONATE by credit card via Paypal
Call 413.475.0864.
Mail checks made out to Regenerative Farms to: 1230 West Rd. Ashfield, MA 01330.
Other ways to give:
Support our work through your donor-advised fidelity fund with this link or Donate through and see our profile

Trust and Transparency are Important to Everyone. Our non-profit Employer ID number is 86.2475402. Verify our MA Attorney General’s charity registration details here. Our latest audited financials and IRS 990 forms are available on our website and upon request.

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